; LANGUAGE DEPENDENT STUFF ; Video Poker demo version ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [Nederlands] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Enkel Veronica in demo help_1=Kies FOLD om te passen, CALL om te volgen, help_2=RAISE (10,25,50 of 100) om de inzet te verhogen. help_3=WISSELEN : selekteer/deselekteer kaart met de linker muisknop, help_4= bevestig met de rechter muisknop. help_5=Voor elke $500 dient uw tegenspeelster een kledingstuk in te leveren. make choice=Wat zou je willen doen ? change cards=Kies kaarten (linkerknop) en wissel (rechterknop) i changed %d cards=Ik wisselde %d kaarten i changed 1 card=Ik wisselde 1 kaart i fold=Ik geef op i call=Ik ga mee i raise %d=Ik verhoog %d you fold=Jij geeft op you call=Jij gaat mee you raise %d=Jij verhoogt %d i have a straight flush=Ik heb een straight flush i have four of a kind=Ik heb vier dezelfde i have a full house=Ik heb een full house i have a flush=Ik heb een flush i have a straight=Ik heb een straight i have three of a kind=Ik heb drie dezelfde i have two pairs=Ik heb twee paartjes i have a pair=Ik heb een paartje i have nothing=Ik heb niets you have a straight flush=Jij hebt een straight flush you have four of a kind=Jij hebt vier dezelfde you have a full house=Jij hebt een full house you have a flush=Jij hebt een flush you have a straight=Jij hebt een straight you have three of a kind=Jij hebt drie dezelfde you have two pairs=Jij hebt twee paartjes you have a pair=Jij hebt een paartje you have nothing=Jij hebt niets nobody wins=Niemand heeft gewonnen you win=Jij wint de pot i win=Ik win de pot New deal. Ante %d in pot=Nieuw spel - %d in de pot WinQuote01=Ooit laat ik je nog wel eens winnen WinQuote02=Kom eens terug als je groot bent ! WinQuote03=Ik zet je binnen de korste keren in je onderbroek, nu ! WinQuote04=Dit spel heet 'POKER', niet Boter-Kaas en Eieren ! WinQuote05=Dit noem ik pas KAARTEN ! WinQuote06=Tof spel, zeg ! WinQuote07=Woaw, wat ben ik toch knap WinQuote08=Weet je mama wel dat je hier nu zit ? WinQuote09=Moeten we nog verder spelen ? WinQuote10=Moet er nog zand zijn ? WinQuote11=Je wordt zo bleekjes ? WinQuote12=Dit spel is echt fantastisch leuk WinQuote13=Mooi, 't leven is mooi ... LooseQuote01=Een kinderhand is gauw gevuld LooseQuote02=Vals spelen is niet toegelaten hoor ! LooseQuote03=Woaw ! Ik ben onder de indruk ! LooseQuote04=Is dit de manier waarop jij dames behandelt ? LooseQuote05=Kunnen we niet Hoger-Lager spelen ? LooseQuote06=Geluk in het spel... .... LooseQuote07=Wil je dit domme spelletje echt verder spelen ? LooseQuote08=Wacht maar tot het volgende spel ! LooseQuote09=Ik hou niet echt van zulke macho kikkers LooseQuote10=Oef, de gedachte alleen al dat jij je kleren zou moeten uittrekken LooseQuote11=Lucky Luke op avontuur ? LooseQuote12=Ggrrrmmm LooseQuote13=Zal ik je nog eens laten winnen of beginnen we nu serieus ? girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=Niet mogelijk in demo play girl2=Niet mogelijk in demo play girl3=Speel met Veronica play girl4=Niet mogelijk in demo play girl5=Niet mogelijk in demo play girl6=Niet mogelijk in demo show girl1= Barbara bekijken show girl2= Tatyana bekijken show girl3= Veronica bekijken show girl4= Roxy bekijken show girl5= Candy bekijken show girl6= Alexis bekijken I win some of my clothes back=Ik hoef niets uit te trekken You win some of your clothes back=Jij hoeft niets uit te trekken You loose some of your clothes=Jij moet iets uittrekken ! You have no clothes left=Jij hebt geen kleren meer over (hihi) I loose some of my clothes=Ik moet iets uittrekken I have no clothes left=Ik heb geen kleren meer over I'm buying some of my clothes=Ik krijg een kledingstuk terug You're buying some of your clothes=Jij krijgt een kledingstuk terug I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=Ik zal iets moeten uittrekken als ik verlies You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=Jij zal iets moeten uittrekken als je verliest quit=Spel beëindigen videosize=Schermgrootte video ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [Engels] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Choose Veronica for demo help_1= Choose FOLD to give up, CALL to continue or help_2= RAISE (10,25,50 or 100) to raise the bet help_3= Changing cards : choose the cards you want to change by clicking them help_4= with the left mouse button, then click the right mouse button. help_5= For each $500 your partner drops some clothes. make choice=What would you like to do? change cards=Choose cards (left button) and change (right button) i changed %d cards=I changed %d cards i changed 1 card=I changed 1 card i fold=I fold i call=I call i raise %d=I raise %d you fold=You fold you call=You call you raise %d=You raise %d i have a straight flush=I have a straight flush i have four of a kind=I have four of a kind i have a full house=I have a full house i have a flush=I have a flush i have a straight=I have a straight i have three of a kind=I have three of a kind i have two pairs=I have two pairs i have a pair=I have a pair i have nothing=I have nothing you have a straight flush=You have a straight flush you have four of a kind=You have four of a kind you have a full house=You have a full house you have a flush=You have a flush you have a straight=You have a straight you have three of a kind=You have three of a kind you have two pairs=You have two pairs you have a pair=You have a pair you have nothing=You have nothing nobody wins=Nobody wins the pot you win=You win the pot i win=I win the pot New deal. Ante %d in pot=New deal. Ante %d in the pot WinQuote01=It's Lady's Night ! WinQuote02=Come back when you're grown up WinQuote03=Guess it's not your day WinQuote04=We're playing poker here, not Tic Tac Toe ! WinQuote05=Great game ! WinQuote06=Hmmm... a good hand can be handy sometimes WinQuote07=Woaw, it makes me dizzy WinQuote08=Does your momma know you're doing this WinQuote09=It takes a lot of guts to show such cards ! WinQuote10=Do we need to play on ? WinQuote11=I love this game ! WinQuote12=Yep, definitely my kind of game ! WinQuote13=Nothing more, nothing less WinQuote14=Oh, you're so hard to beat (hihi) WinQuote15=Give me more, more, more... WinQuote16=The winner takes it all ! LooseQuote01=Some guys have all the luck LooseQuote02=One battle doesn't make a war LooseQuote03=It's not nice to cheat, you know... LooseQuote04=Is this how you treat a lady ? LooseQuote05=Yeah ... Yeah... You're the greatest LooseQuote06=Say No More LooseQuote07=Do you really want to continue this silly game ? LooseQuote08=Wait until the next game ! LooseQuote09=I don't like this macho attitude of yours LooseQuote10=I wouldn' want to see you naked anyway LooseQuote11=Lucky Luke in disguise ? LooseQuote12=Ggrrrmmm LooseQuote13=If you have a good hand, you don't need a partner. girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=Not available in demo play girl2=Not available in demo play girl3=Play with Veronica play girl4=Not available in demo play girl5=Not available in demo play girl6=Not available in demo show girl1=Meet Barbara show girl2=Meet Tatyana show girl3=Meet Veronica show girl4=Meet Roxy show girl5=Meet Candy show girl6=Meet Alexis I win some of my clothes back=I don't have to undress You win some of your clothes back=You don't have to undress You loose some of your clothes=You loose some of your clothes You have no clothes left=You have no clothes left I loose some of my clothes=I loose some of my clothes I have no clothes left=I have no clothes left I'm buying some of my clothes=I'm getting back some clothes You're buying some of your clothes=You're getting back some clothes I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=I will have to undress if I loose You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=You will have to undress if you loose quit=Quit game videosize=Video size ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [FRANS] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Choisissez Veronica pour le démo help_1= Sélectionnez FOLD pour passer, CALL pour suivre, help_2= RAISE (10,25,50 ou 100) pour augmenter le pot. help_3= Changer : sélectionnez/supprimez la carte avec le bouton help_4= gauche de la souris, Confirmez avec le bouton droit. help_5= Pour chaque $500 votre partenaire doit ôter un vêtement. make choice=Que voulez-vous faire? change cards=Changer les cartes i changed %d cards=J'ai changé %d cartes i changed 1 card=J'ai changé 1 carte i fold=Je file i call=J'y vais i raise %d=Je relance de %d you fold=Tu files you call=Tu y vas you raise %d=Tu relances de %d i have a straight flush=J'ai une quinte-flush i have four of a kind=J'ai un carré i have a full house=J'ai un full i have a flush=J'ai une quinte i have a straight=J'ai une séquence i have three of a kind=J'ai un brelan i have two pairs=J'ai deux paires i have a pair=J'ai une paire i have nothing=Je n'ai rien you have a straight flush=Tu as une quinte-flush you have four of a kind=Tu as un carré you have a full house=Tu as un full you have a flush=Tu as une quinte you have a straight=Tu as une séquence you have three of a kind=Tu as une séquence you have two pairs=Tu as deux paires you have a pair=Tu as une paire you have nothing=Tu n'as rien nobody wins=Personne n'a gagné you win=Tu as gagné le pot i win=J'ai gagné le pot New deal. Ante %d in pot=Redistribuer et %d dans le pot WinQuote01=Regarde et pleure... WinQuote02=Reviens quand tu auras grandi WinQuote03=C'est vraiment pas ton jour WinQuote04=On joue au POKER, pas à LA BATAILLE WinQuote05=Voilà ce que j'appelle DES CARTES ! WinQuote06=Montre voir, si tu l'oses ! WinQuote07=Je suis super, non ? WinQuote08=Ta maman sait-elle bien ce que tu fais ? WinQuote09=Faut-il continuer à jouer ? WinQuote10=Il faut du cran pour montrer de telles cartes ! WinQuote11=Voilà un jeu que j'aime ! WinQuote12=Rien de plus, rien de moins ! WinQuote13=Oh, ce que tu es dur à battre (hihi) WinQuote14=Le gagnant ramasse tout ! LooseQuote01=Aux innocents les mains pleines ! LooseQuote02=Qui gagne une bataille ne gagne pas la guerre LooseQuote03=Ce n'est pas bien de tricher! LooseQuote04=Bof, c'est la chance du débutant LooseQuote05=Est-ce ainsi qu'on traite une dame ? LooseQuote06=Oui...oui...t'es le meilleur ! LooseQuote07=Heureux au jeu... LooseQuote08=Tu tiens vraiment à continuer ce jeu idiot ? LooseQuote09=Attends le prochain jeu ! LooseQuote10=Ce que tu peux être macho ! LooseQuote11=Si tu crois que je tiens à te voir à poil ! LooseQuote12=Ggrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LooseQuote13=Bof, le jeu n'en valait pas la chandelle LooseQuote14=Avec des cartes pareilles, il n'y a pas de mérite girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=Pas possible dans le démo play girl2=Pas possible dans le démo play girl3=Jouer avec Veronica play girl4=Pas possible dans le démo play girl5=Pas possible dans le démo play girl6=Pas possible dans le démo show girl1=Introduction Barbara show girl2=Introduction Tatyana show girl3=Introduction Veronica show girl4=Introduction Roxy show girl5=Introduction Candy show girl6=Introduction Alexis I win some of my clothes back=Je ne dois rien ôter You win some of your clothes back=Tu ne dois rien ôter You loose some of your clothes=Tu dois ôter quelque chose ! You have no clothes left=Tu n'as plus rien à ôter (hihi) I loose some of my clothes=Je dois ôter quelque chose I have no clothes left=Je n'ai plus rien à ôter I'm buying some of my clothes=Je récupère un vêtement You're buying some of your clothes=Tu récupères un vêtement I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=Je devrai ôter quelque chose si je perds You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=Tu devras ôter quelque chose si tu perds quit=Sortie videosize=Dimensions de l'écran video ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [DUITS] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Such ein Gegenspieler aus help_1=FOLD wählen wenn man passen, CALL, wenn man mithalten möchte, help_2=und RAISE (10, 25, 50 oder 100), um den Einsatz zu erhöhen. help_3=Wechseln: die Karte mit dem linken Mausknopf aus- oder abwählen help_4= mit dem rechten Mausknopf bestätigen. help_5=Pro Tranche von 500 muss Ihr Gegenspieler ein Kleidungsstück ablegen. make choice=Was möchtest du tun ? change cards=Karten tauschen i changed %d cards=Ich habe %d karten getauscht i changed 1 card=Ich habe 1 Karte getauscht i fold=Ich passe i call=Ich gehe mit i raise %d=Ich erhöhe %d you fold=Du passt you call=De gehst mit you raise %d=Du erhöst %d i have a straight flush=Ich habe einen Straight-flush i have four of a kind=Ich habe einen Vierer i have a full house=Ich habe ein Full-house i have a flush=Ich habe einen Flush i have a straight=Ich habe einen Straight i have three of a kind=Ich habe einen Dreier i have two pairs=Ich habe zwei Paare i have a pair=Ich habe ein Paar i have nothing=Ich habe nichts you have a straight flush=Du hast einen Straight-flush you have four of a kind=Du hast einen Vierer you have a full house=Du hast ein Full-house you have a flush=Du hast einen Flush you have a straight=Du hast einen Straight you have three of a kind=Du hast einen Dreier you have two pairs=Du hast zwei Paare you have a pair=Du hast ein Paar you have nothing=Du hast nichts nobody wins=Niemand hat gewonnen you win=Du gewinnst den Topf i win=Ich gewinne den Topf New deal. Ante %d in pot=Neu austeilen und %d in den Topf legen WinQuote01=Schäm dich ! WinQuote02=Komm wieder, wenn du gross bist WinQuote03=Das ist wohl nicht dein Tag ! WinQuote04=Wir spielen 'Poker' nicht 'Mensch-ärger-dich-nicht' WinQuote05=So spielt eben ein Profi ! WinQuote06=Du traust dich, sowas zu zeigen ? WinQuote07=Hallo, Hübscher WinQuote08=Weiss deine Mama eigentlich, dass du hier bist ? WinQuote09=Sollen wir wirklich weiterspielen ? WinQuote10=Vergessen wir das Ganze ? WinQuote11=Du wirst ja so blass ? WinQuote12=Dieses Spiel ist grosse Klasse WinQuote13=Das Leben ist wunderbar... LooseQuote01=Wenn's dich glüklich macht.. LooseQuote02=Falschspieler underwünscht. LooseQuote03=Anfängerglück hält nie lange an LooseQuote04=Behandelst du Damen immer so ? LooseQuote05=Sollen wir nicht Mau-Mau spielen ? LooseQuote06=Glück im Spiel... LooseQuote07=Dämliches Spiel ! Sollen wir nicht lieber aufhören ? LooseQuote08=Warte bis zur nächsten Runde ! LooseQuote09=Angeber konnte ich noch nie leiden LooseQuote10=Allein schon beim Gedanken daran, dass du dich ausziehen müsstest... LooseQuote11=Na, du Glückspitz ? LooseQuote12=Grrrrrrrr LooseQuote13=Soll ich dich nochmal gewinnen lassen, oder spielen wir jetzt richtig ? girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=Nicht in Demo Version play girl2=Nicht in Demo Version play girl3=Mit Veronica spielen play girl4=Nicht in Demo Version play girl5=Nicht in Demo Version play girl6=Nicht in Demo Version show girl1=Barbara ansehen show girl2=Tatyana ansehen show girl3=Veronica ansehen show girl4=Roxy ansehen show girl5=Candy ansehen show girl6=Alexis ansehen I win some of my clothes back=Ich brauche nichts auszuziehen You win some of your clothes back=Du brauchst nichts auszuziehen You loose some of your clothes=Du mußt etwas ausziehen You have no clothes left=Du hast kein Kleidungsstück mehr über (HiHi!) I loose some of my clothes=Ich muß etwas ausziehen I have no clothes left=Ich habe kein Kleidungsstück mehr über I'm buying some of my clothes=Ich bekomme ein Kleidungsstück zurück You're buying some of your clothes=Du bekommst ein Kleidungsstück zurück I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=Wenn ich verliere, muß ich etwas ausziehen You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=Wenn du verlierst, mußt du etwas ausziehen quit=Ende videosize=Video Grösse ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [Spaans] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Elige tu contrincante de juego help_1=Elige FOLD para salir de la jugada, CALL para continuar, RAISE (10,25,50,100) para help_2=mejorar la apuesta. Descartarse : Elige las cartas que deseas cambiar, help_3= haciendo click con el botton izquierdo del mouse sobre ellas y cuando help_4=las hayas elegido todas haz click en el botton derecho del mouse . help_5=Para cada 500 $ , tu contrincante se quitará una prenda. make choice=Que te gustaría hacer ? change cards=Elige cartas (Boton izquierdo) y cambia (boton derecho) i changed %d cards=Yo me descarto de %d cartas i changed 1 card=Yo me descarto de 1 carta i fold=No voy i call=Veo i raise %d=Subo 25 you fold=Tu no vas you call=Tu ves you raise %d=Tu subes %d i have a straight flush=Tengo escalera de color i have four of a kind=Tengo Poker i have a full house=Tengo Full i have a flush=Tengo Color i have a straight=Tengo escalera i have three of a kind=Tengo Trio i have two pairs=Tengo dobles parejas i have a pair=Tengo pareja i have nothing=No tengo nada you have a straight flush=tienes escalera de color you have four of a kind=tienes Poker you have a full house=Tienes Full you have a flush=Tienes Color you have a straight=Tienes Escalera you have three of a kind=Tienes Trio you have two pairs=Tienes dobles parejas you have a pair=Tienes pareja you have nothing=No tienes nada nobody wins=Nadie gana la apuesta you win=ganas lo apostado i win=Gano la apuesta New deal. Ante %d in pot=Nueva acuerdo , Ante %d in la apuesta WinQuote01=Es una noche de mujeres !! WinQuote02=Vuelve cuando hayas crecido !! WinQuote04=Aqui jugamos al poker tio, no a las marionetas !! WinQuote05=Buena jugada !! WinQuote06=HHmmm... una buena mano me vendría guay !!! WinQuote07=Woaw, esto me pone GROGI !! WinQuote08=Sabe tú mama, que estas haciendo esto !! WinQuote09=Hay que tener agallas, para enseñar esas cartas !! WinQuote10=Necesitamos jugar ?? WinQuote11=Amo este juego ?? WinQuote12=Si, es mi estilo de juego !!! WinQuote13=! Nada mas y nada menos ¡ WinQuote14=! Eres duro apostando ! WinQuote15=dame , mas , mas , mas ,.... WinQuote16=El ganador coge todo esto !!! LooseQuote01=Cuanta suerte tienen algunos !! LooseQuote02=Ganar una batalla no significa, ganar la guerra !! LooseQuote03=No esta bien engañar , tu sabes ...! LooseQuote04=Asi tratas a una señora !!! LooseQuote05=Yeah, Yeah, eres grande muchacho !! LooseQuote06=dí , No mas !! LooseQuote07=quieres seguir jugando este estupido juego ?? LooseQuote08=Espera al proximo juego !!! LooseQuote09=Me desagrada vuestra estupida actitud machista !!! LooseQuote10=No me gustaría verte en pelotas !! LooseQuote11=Suerte lucas disfrazado !!! LooseQuote12=Ggrrrmmm LooseQuote13=No necesitas un socio , si tienes una buena mano !!! girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl2=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl3=Juega con Veronica play girl4=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl5=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl6=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO show girl1=Ahora enseñamelo Barbara show girl2=Ahora enseñamelo Tatyana show girl3=Ahora enseñamelo Veronica show girl4=Ahora enseñamelo Roxy show girl5=Ahora enseñamelo Candy show girl6=Ahora enseñamelo Alexis I win some of my clothes back=Yo no tengo que desnudarme You win some of your clothes back=Tu no tienes que desnudarte You loose some of your clothes=Tu pierdes alguna ropa You have no clothes left=No tienes ropa para quitar I loose some of my clothes=yo pierdo aluna ropa I have no clothes left=No tengo ropa para quitar I'm buying some of my clothes=Estoy recuperando ropa You're buying some of your clothes=Estas recuperando ropa I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=me tendré que desnudar si pierdo You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=Te tendras que desnudar si pierdes quit=Salida del programa videosize=Video ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** [Italiaans] ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;******************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strip Poker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- choose girl=Scegliete Veronica per giocare help_1=Scegliete FOLD per rinunciare, CALL per continuare o help_2=RAISE (10,25,50 o 100) per rilanciare la puntata. help_3=Cambiare le carte: scegliete le carte che volete cambiare attivandole con help_4= il tasto sinistro del mouse, premere quindi il tasto destro del mouse. help_5=Per ogni 500$, la vostra partner fà cadere alcuni indumenti. make choice=Che cosa volete fare? change cards=Scegliete la carte (tasto sinistro) e cambiate (tasto destro) i changed %d cards=Ho cambiato %d carte i changed 1 card=Ho cambiato 1 carta i fold=Rinuncio i call=Io vedo i raise %d=Rilancio %d you fold=Rinunci you call=Vedi you raise %d=Rilanci %d i have a straight flush=Ho una scala reale i have four of a kind=Ho un poker i have a full house=Ho un full i have a flush=Ho colore i have a straight=Ho una scala i have three of a kind=Ho un tris i have two pairs=Ho una doppia coppia i have a pair=Ho una coppia i have nothing=Non ho niente you have a straight flush=Hai una scala reale you have four of a kind=Hai un poker you have a full house=Hai un full you have a flush=Hai colore you have a straight=Hai una scala you have three of a kind=Hai un tris you have two pairs=Hai una doppia coppia you have a pair=Hai una coppia you have nothing=Non hai niente nobody wins=Nessuno vince il piatto you win=Vinci il piatto i win=Vinco il piatto New deal. Ante %d in pot=Nuova distribuzione di carte. Cip da %d nel piatto WinQuote01=È la nottata della dea Fortuna ! WinQuote02=Ritorna quando sarai un pò più cresciuto WinQuote03=Qui si gioca a poker, non a nascondino! WinQuote04=Gioco formidabile ! WinQuote05=Hmm... A volte fà piacere sentire una buona mano WinQuote06=Ooh! mi fà venire le vertigini WinQuote07=Ma lo sa la mammina quel che stai facendo? WinQuote08=Bisogna avere dello stomaco per mostrare delle carte così! WinQuote09=Dobbiamo fare uno scherzetto ? WinQuote10=Quanto mi piace questo gioco ! WinQuote11=Evviva, è proprio il gioco che fà per me WinQuote12=Niente di più, niente di meno WinQuote13=Oh, sei così duro da mordere (hihi) WinQuote14=Dammi di più, ancora di più ... WinQuote15=Il vincitore se lo prende tutto ! LooseQuote01=C'è gente che ha tutte le fortune LooseQuote02=Perdere una battaglia non è perdere una guerra LooseQuote03=Non è bello barare, sai.... LooseQuote04=È così che tratti le donne ? LooseQuote05=Oh...Oh... sei il migliore LooseQuote06=Non dire di più LooseQuote07=Vuoi proprio continuare questo stupido gioco ? LooseQuote08=Aspetta il prossimo gioco ! LooseQuote09=Non posso sopportare questa vostra posa da macho LooseQuote10=Ad ogni modo vorrei vederti nuda LooseQuote11=Travestimento da Lucky Luke? LooseQuote12=Accidenti!!! LooseQuote13=Se hai una buona mano, non hai bisogno di un partner girl1=Barbara girl2=Tatyana girl3=Veronica girl4=Roxy girl5=Candy girl6=Alexis play girl1=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl2=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl3=Giocate con Veronica play girl4=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl5=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO play girl6=NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO show girl1=Introduzione show di Barbara show girl2=Introduzione show di Tatyana show girl3=Introduzione show di Veronica show girl4=Introduzione show di Roxy show girl5=Introduzione show di Candy show girl6=Introduzione show di Alexis I win some of my clothes back=Non devo spogliarmi You win some of your clothes back=Non devi spogliarti You loose some of your clothes=Perdi alcuni indumenti You have no clothes left=Non hai più indumenti I loose some of my clothes=Perdo alcuni indumenti I have no clothes left=Non ho più indumenti I'm buying some of my clothes=Mi rimetto degli indumenti You're buying some of your clothes=Ti stai rimettendo degli indumenti I will have to put some of my clothes in the pot=Dovrò spogliarmi se perdo You will have to put some of your clothes in the pot=Dovrai spogliarti se perdi quit=Uscire videosize=Dimensione dello schermo video